Sunday, April 4, 2010

Teaching and Gardening Together

Behold the humble beginnings of the tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Starting from seed under a grow light in our dinette, which doubles as part of the classroom.

I've read a lot about getting kids to eat vegetables. Hiding them in foods so they don't know what they're eating, dressing up the food to make it fun to eat, but I think that getting kids involved in the growing and preparation of their food is likely the most honest way to get them eating veggies. My kids, even the littler one who can't read yet, know about germination, hardening off, transplanting, polination, and they're not afraid to get in the dirt and get involved. Works up quite an appetite, too.

Speaking of appetite, my son is still off and on with wanting to learn to read. He wants to do Headsprout, and Starfall, and talks incessantly about beginning first grade this year, but he doesn't really want to talk about, say, "V" and what it "says." But repetition is the mother of retention, and he'll learn.

This week Abeka is having a seminar, we'll be getting our order in to get the goods required to start 1st and 3rd grade in the late summer.

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