Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Spring Snow

I'm delighted to report that it snowed Saturday... and Sunday. Snow on the first two days of Spring, and quite a lot! As long as I've lived here (nearly 17 years) I've never seen snow later than early February. It snowed more this season than in any other since I moved here. I'm not complaining!

However, snow DID dampen our weekend plans. We were going to remove sod to expand the garden. We wound up doing some painting, some planning, and some starting of seeds indoors.

On another subject, our son is still on a roar to learn, finally grabbing on to the basics of reading willingly rather than reluctantly, so we did some phonics work this weekend as well. And Monday afternoon we got our taxes done. That wasn't as painful as I'd feared, LOL. We followed that up with lunch at an Indian restaurant we used to visit frequently when we lived in the city. Delicious, as always.

Hope you're having a great week!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Wild Weather in the Forecast

It's 70 degrees out today, sunny and beautiful. A perfect "day before" the first day of Spring.

Tomorrow's forecast includes the possiblity of 6 inches of SNOW!!

Fortunately nothing we have planted right now should suffer from a little snow on top of the soil, especially since it will all be melted by Sunday, if it really snows. We have carrots, beets, green and red leaf lettuce planted, along with some marigolds to help ward off bugs, as we keep the garden organic.

The kids did well in school today, our daughter's math skills are above-grade level (she'll start 3rd grade later this year but is done with her 2nd grade work so we're in review and prep), and her penmanship is really improving (she's a lefty) as she works on her spelling - and what thrills me now is that she cares how great it looks, it's not just an exercise because because "Mommy says so" anymore. Our son is finally exhibiting interest in writing, so I'm hoping that will spur more of an interest in phonics. He's a little ahead of his sister, who was still resistant at 5, but now at 8 reads on a 6th grade level. I don't mind them moving at their own pace as long as they don't wait "too" long to be ready and stay generally at or above target for their grade level. Right now they're both doing great.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend. I'll admit... I'm hoping it snows, LOL.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Prepping for August - Blackberry Vines!

In 2004 we put in 3 Doyle thornless blackberry vines. They started out as tiny little things, not even a foot long each. The first 2 years they were in, we got very few blackberries. The third year.... we had to give some away! We couldn't eat, cook, or freeze them fast enough (I've been thinking about dehydrating fruit, especially if we have success with blueberries this year, it'll be our first try with those). The pic is part of last year's crop (that's a half-dollar, LOL).

That's what we're doing this week, prepping the blackberry bushes - cutting the excess growth off to promote new growth, and uprooting some of the new vines (they self-propogate if they hit the ground and stay a while) to give away to some friends who have expressed interest.

Later this week I'll take some of last year's crop out of the freezer and tweak a cobbler recipe I have. It's quick, easy (only takes one bowl!), and delicious. I'll take a pic and post the recipe when it's done.

I think of it as planning for summer, LOL.

Getting Started - Spring 2010

I've been a blogger for ten minutes. It doesn't seem so bad!

Hi. : )

I'm a stay-at-home, homeschooling, vegetarian, money-saving (I try, LOL) mother of two, an 8 year old girl and 5 year old boy who keep me on my toes.

I'll be using my blog to share our experiences with gardening, cooking (vegetarian and vegan), homeschooling, home remodeling, and saving money where we can.

I hope you'll join us often and that we can learn from each other.